Developments to expect in 2023

Commemorative Bridge at Irish National

War Memorial GardensIan Richie Architects (designer of the Spire) has designed a commemorative pedestrian bridge over the Liffey at theIrish National War Memorial Gardens. Subject to planning approval, work should begin in 2023.

Liffey Gaels Park

DCC have commissioned a Master Plan site analysis and proposal for the Liffey Gaels Park. This Plan is due to be available in early 2023.

Activation and Animation of the Grand Canal

A jointly commissioned strategy, by Waterways Ireland and DCC, has identified measures that can increase the recreational value of the Grand Canal’s Green and Blue spaces (canal banks and watercourse). The next stage, to implement these outcomes, will commence in 2023.

In 2021, a Kilmainham Inchicore TOURISM Strategy was commissioned by DCC to assess the area from a touristic perspective, and put forward a vision based on strategic development and investment priorities. Reports available to view *here

Development in Phoenix Park

The Magazine Fort in Phoenix Park is due to be restored. It is expected this project will take five years.