A few words

What makes us KIN


Kilmainham Inchicore Network is a unique community network

The Network meets monthly and works with the local community to facilitate engagement in the area.

KIN was originated by Dublin City Council, and as such operates a close working relationship with the Council.

Over the last five years, KIN has comprised representatives from local neighbourhoods, community organisations, statutory bodies, some local businesses, along with the DCC Local Area Manager and local elected Councillors. As needs arise subcommittees are formed to deal with various planning and programming issues.

Inchi-Core values

From the outset, KIN’s primary function has been to facilitate inquiry and response to local issues – with an aim to advance a stronger, more representative and initiative-taking organisation and community. To do this, KIN has undertaken considerable work in understanding Inchicore and Kilmainham’s distinct neighbourhoods
We have carried out significant research, interactions, and outreach with many local bodies, including schools, youth and community development organisations, residents’ associations, addiction services, specialist groups in childcare provision, services for the elderly, and local enterprise, commercial and service bodies.

What we are about

About IRCF

Dublin City Council, with the help of KIN, set up the Inchicore Regeneration Consultative Forum (IRCF) to collaborate with DCC and the lead architectural design team to support the development of a vibrant, high-quality, mixeduse urban quarter on the DCC Emmet Road site.
The Forum delegates include elected councillors and DCC officials, as well as representatives from residents associations, community groups, and statutory organisations. The group meets monthly.
The Forum believes that the development should provide secure, affordable, permanent homes to the Inchicore/Kilmainham area. The IRCF believe that public consultation is an essential part of the development process and needs to be carried out in an inclusive and meaningful way.
The Forum are very impressed with Bucholz McEvoy’s design process and willingness to engage with the community.
The Forum was established by KIN in 2018. Delegates engage in the processes of building trust, capacity and preparing the groundwork for welcoming and facilitating the integration of 1,200 or more residents into our community.

Eamon Devoy

is the Independent Chairperson of the Network and acts as a link between the community and Dublin City Council. As a former General Secretary of one of Ireland’s largest trade unions, Eamon is a strong community and political activist.

Aoife Hannan

has been Programme Manager of KIN since its inception, acting as a liaison between the local community and Dublin City Council. She has a keen interest in community development and regeneration, holding a research, business, and crafts background. Aoife lives in Inchicore.

Michelle Meier

is assistant to the Project Manager.

Michelle is responsible for KIN social media and administrative tasks.

Below are some of the City and
area-based organisations that KIN works with
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