Please see list of key documents saved below:
ABP 314791 Inchicore Regeneration Consultative Forum Observation Letter re ERD 28.11.22
ABP 314791 IRCF obs appendix 2a_IRCF KIN Strategic Workshop 2020 re DFP Jan2020
ABP 314791 IRCF obs. appendix 2b_IRCF_Report to Design Team for ERD Jan 2020
ABP 314791 IRCF obs. appendix 3_IRCF Civic Community Space Subcomm. Position Paper.June 2021
ABP 314791 IRCF obs. appendix 5_IRCF Community Hub Concept Plan SMcE and BP 05.05.22
ABP 314791 IRCF obs. appendix 6_IRCF follow up with Min D. O Brien T.D. re ERD 20.1.22
ABP 314791 IRCF obs. Appendix 7_Specific Extracts of Planning Documents